Wednesday, December 03, 2014

30 Lists Day 3

The prompt for Day 3 of 30 Days of Lists was "Photos to take this month." Really, what don't I take? I'll take photos of pretty much anything. The ones that turn out well and don't contain confidential information or people I can't show off publicly get posted on Instagram and/or Flickr and/or Eye Em (though I tend to forget about Eye Em).

While my pages for Days 1 & 2 were made using PicCollage on my phone, Day 3 was made using Photo Grid, a new-to-me app on my phone (follow the link to find the correct Photo Grid - there are several apps named "Photo Grid" in the Google Play Store). Both apps are similar in that they allow for multiple photos to be laid out onto a page and arranged "artfully," instead of in a grid (though grids also have their place!). Both allow for a choice of background colors (though Photo Grid seems to have more color options), text in an array of fonts and colors, and stickers (PicCollage has many more sticker options; I'm hoping I just haven't found the rest of Photo Grid's sticker options, because there aren't many that are readily available).

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