Sunday, November 30, 2014

30 Days of Lists Begins Tomorrow

I’m doing this new daily thing: listing. I am not new to listing.  I make lists all the time. And I lose lists all the time. 30 Days of Lists is a new(ish) concept which raises list making to an art form. You join for a month (30 days) and are given daily prompts of what to list about. You can use those prompts or change them. Pretty much their only rule is not to post a list until the prompt has been announced in an email. You can download the entire list ahead of time so you can plan ahead, but some participants like the surprise of finding out what the prompt is each day. I’m one of the planners. Some participants are good about listing every day, some post several lists at once.

I made a cover in order to get ready. Many of us have started by making some sort of cover or by preparing our notebooks or scrapbooks. I have opted to cut down on clutter (meaning I wouldn't be able to keep track of a real, paper notebook for 30 days) by making a digital scrapbook. I did 30 Lists for the first time in September, and I used Pic Collage on my iPhone for the whole project. This time, I have an Samsung Galaxy Note 4, and I am still planning to use Pic Collage for at least some of the December lists (I may try out other apps as appropriate). One of these days, I may actually get around to printing each list out and adding them to a scrapbook or notebook. I envision each cover page as more of a chapter heading, as most scrapbooks should be able to hold more than 30 pages.

Many post on Instagram and Twitter, and you can follow along with the hashtag #30Lists.

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